Our Partner Abdul Haris M Rum and Senior Associate Aryangga Pradana Febrianto have been participated and trusted by our esteemed clients Indonesia Central Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI) and Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) as a keynote panel in the Focused-Group Discussion (FGD) on the Implementation of Electronic General Meeting of Securities and/or Sukuk Holders (Rapat Umum Pemegang Efek Bersifat Utang dan/atau Sukuk Secara Elektronik/e-RUPEBUS) held by OJK.
The FGD was led by Mr I Made Bagus Tirthayatra as the Director of Service Sector Corporate Finance Assessment of OJK. The representations from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Asosiasi Wali Amanat Indonesia, Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia, Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, and Custodian Banks also participated in this FGD.
This FGD aimed to formularize OJK’s regulation on e-RUPEBUS by accommodating market players’ inputs with several points of discussion: (i) e-voting mechanisms; (ii) pre-General Meeting (Rapat Pendahuluan); (iii) attendees verification mechanisms; and (iv) the absence of a legal basis for conducting e-RUPEBUS. KSEI also utilized this opportunity to obtain the market and practical views for developing a system, similar to eASY.KSEI, where the market is able to hold an e-RUPEBUS seamlessly in the future.
Both AHRP and KSEI are responsible for providing OJK with the market and legal studies relating to the implementation of e-RUPEBUS prior to this FGD, which our associate Annisa Safira Anwar also contributed to composing these studies. As the follow-up of this FGD, OJK and KSEI will later take a closer look into the highlighted issues in the discussion, to provide an accommodative regulation and system for the e-RUPEBUS.
Our thanks go to OJK and KSEI for allowing us to participate in this remarkable agenda, during which we have opportunities to discuss with market players and expand our knowledge.