We are delighted to share the remarkable achievement of our litigation team. Following our triumphant handling of BNI's tax case with the claim value of USD27.242.982,54 on 2022, AHRP’s litigation team under the leadership of Zaka Hadisupani Oemang as our Partner and M. Sakti H. Tambunan as our Senior Associate acting on behalf of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, Tbk (PGN) have successfully upheld 2 (two) Tax Court Decisions at Judicial Review stage on 2023. Said Tax Court Decisions principally overturned Tax Assessment Letter for Underpayment of Corporate Income Tax for Tax Year 2013 and 2015 which previously imposed Income Tax payment obligations on PGN in the total of USD50,492,239.86 so that the Income Tax payment obligations of PGN is USD19,709,485.16. By upholding the 2 (two) Tax Court Decisions at Judicial Review stage, we have succeeded in reducing the tax obligations of PGN in the amount of USD30,782,754.71.