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Legal Knowledge Sharing Session: Jendela Karier 2021 Parahyangan Catholic University

AHRP was invited and given the opportunity by Parahyangan Catholic University Faculty of Law on Sunday, 28 November 2021 to deliver a presentation in the Jendela Karier 2021 Parahyangan Catholic University. AHRP was represented by our senior associate, M. Fadra Heryndra and our associate, an alumnus of Parahyangan Catholic University, Aditya Adam Darmawan. Together they presented a material entitled “Introduction of Legal Due Diligence - Insight on Practical Approach and Gain Comprehensive Understanding on the Transaction”. Through this material, AHRP shared immersive experience and comprehensive knowledge possessed by AHRP in legal practice, especially with respect to the implementation of due diligence. This workshop was attended by a lot of participants from Parahyangan Catholic University Faculty of Law, where the participants showed high enthusiasm during the workshop.

In addition to providing material in this workshop, AHRP also provided a quiz in the form of a case study which will be solved by the participants and will be reviewed jointly by the AHRP Team. At the end of the workshop, a Kahoot was held. AHRP provides an opportunity for two winning participants (1 participant with the highest Kahoot score and 1 participant with the best position case analysis) to carry out an internship at AHRP.

We hope that this activity can provide new insights and understanding for participants and also be beneficial for participants in supporting their career paths in the nearest future


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