Rest and Service Area ("RSA") is an essential service for toll road users, hence it is crucial to ensure that RSA meets their needs and interests. By virtue of Minister of Public Works and People Housing Regulation Number 28 of 2021 on the Rest and Service Area on Toll Roads (“MoPWH Reg. 28/2021”), the Government provides the framework for RSA to fulfil such necessities, which also serves as the implementing regulation of Government Regulation Number 15 of 2005 on Toll Road as recently amended by Government Regulation Number 17 of 2021.
MoPWH Reg. 28/2021 presents new provisions to make rest assured that RSA will be provided for the benefit of the toll road user. In addition to the new provisions, the MoPWH Reg. 28/2021 also amends the previous provisions regarding RSA, which were previously provided by the Minister of Public Works and People Housing Regulation Number 10/PRT/M/2018. Due to its significant breakthrough, MoPWH Reg. 28/2021 may be deemed as the starting point for the new era of RSA business regulation. Find out further our insights about this topic in our legal brief publication.