To ensure and guarantee the protection and legal certainty for the economic rights of Authors, Copyright Holders, and Related Rights Owners for songs and/or music, it is crucial that the mechanism of royalty management is conducted in a transparent manner that can be achieved through the use of information technology facilities. Government Regulation Number 51 of 2021 on Song and/or Music Royalty Management (“GR No. 56/2021”) as an implementing regulation of Law Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright has set out the guidelines for royalty management. One of the breakthroughs created by GR No. 56/2021 was the idea of developing a Song and/or Music Data Center/Sistem Informasi Lagu dan/atau Musik (“SILM”), which is an information technology system used in the distribution of song and/or music royalties. Find out further our insights about this topic: